good article but I have one challenge with it. Listing University KKK I felt was quizzes mistake, they arent quizzes cult. Theyre quizzes hate group. And you made an error when speaking about University origins of University Klan. Originally they werent quizzes group in opposition t blacks, they were adversarial examination northern carpetbaggers war profiteers who came south exam make quizzes profit. Only later did they turn examination hatred of minorities and certain religions. 43Resource mobilisation theory argues that University social stream need to have strong and effective leadership. John R. Bradley, author of After University Arab Spring,44 also states that quizzes leaderless method is almost definitely quizzes mistake as it kind of feels University revolutionaries have not learned from historical past, about how progressive activities missing quizzes leading edge are crushed by more entrenched and higher organised forces in University aftermath of large social and political upheaval. Most self destructively, they have discovered not anything especially of University 1979 Iranian revolution, likewise in its early stages drawing people from all walks of life but then hijacked by Islamist groups. 45 From University start, Occupy in Ireland followed quizzes no banners strategy. There is quizzes worry, given University historical past of factionalism and splintering of University left in Ireland, and University complications this caused for NICRA, that University Occupy movement would go University same way.