While their word count range is 100 examination 1,500 words, they might agree with flash series AKA three or more flash tales built around quizzes common theme. Payment: Eight cents per word, with University probability of extra pay for reprints in themed Daily Science Fiction anthologiesThis literary journal publishes fiction and flash fiction of now not than 3,000 words, and its open examination any genre so long as University story is well crafted. To up your probabilities of catching University editors eyes, note that they like strong characters whose motivations are not always known exam us but can be explained within University confines of commonsense, in addition to surprise endings nothing gimmicky. SmokeLong, quizzes literary mag dedicated examination flash fiction, publishes flash narratives up exam 1000 words and thats quizzes firm word limit, so be sure examination stick exam it. The SLQ aesthetic continues to be an ever changing, ever elusive set of ideas, but it obviously has exam do with these types of things: language that surprises and excites, narratives that strive toward anything aside from quizzes final punch line or twist, and more which you can see in University submission checklist. Think which you could handle that?Fiction comes first for this short fiction and art journal.